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Set Apart, But For What?

Mar 22, 2022

If you are a follower of Jesus, you are Set Apart.

- You are called.
- If you answer God's call, then you are protected. 
There are many Christians who call themselves Christ-followers who aren't actually following.
They are believers, but not followers.
They have accepted Christ as their personal savior and their faith is very important to them.
God has called them for a particular purpose/assignment in this season in life, but they have ignored the call.
They can't tell you what God's plan and purpose for their lives is. Research says 80% of believers fall into this trap.
The reason you are set apart is to do what God has created you to do. Doesn't it make sense that you know what it is?
When you have aligned yourself with God's masterplan, there is a favor and protection that surrounds you.
Take a second and focus on this promises for protection:
>> Isaiah 43:2 NIV - When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
#1 - When you pass through the waters
#2 - I will be with you
#1 - When you pass through the rivers
#2 - They will not sweep over you
#1 - When you walk through the fire
#2 - You will not be burned
Do you see the pattern?
#1 - When you answer God's call and follow Him
#2 - He will extend His favor to you and protect you
Why is this so important?
When they followed Him and His orders, they were set apart and spared.
The world is in chaos right now.
- Out of control inflation
- Devaluation of the dollar
- The drumbeat to world-war 3
- The globalist plot for a centralized Godless government
- The decline of the church
- Godless tyrannical leaders in power
- Liars are in government
- Liars are in the media
- Truth is labeled misinformation
- Truth is censored by big tech
Today, more and more people are floored by the rising costs of everything.
They are wondering where we are headed? If the economy crashes, what will happen to their jobs? What will happen to their retirement funds?
People are anxious and nervous about their future.
If you wish not only to survive, but to thrive in the midst of our turbulent times, seek God's perfect will for your life.
Begin seeking Him in a fresh way. Don't wait until the you-know-what hits the fan.
Follow Him. Answer His call. Follow His Plans.

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