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Seeking venture capital?

Dec 10, 2023

Every Kingdom-minded startup founder seeking venture capital is experiencing this.


It's really really hard to raise capital in the current climate. (I blame climate change), Ha!

Your approach to Kingdom-minded startup investors couldn't more polar opposite than to secular VC. 

The secular VC ecosystem (the majority) is fully rooted in marxist ESG. They pretty much hate Christians. It's easy to get labeled a Christian Nationalist (conservative) unless you are part of the woke Christianity movement who doesn't believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God

Kingdom-minded VC and investors are looking for something entirely different than secular VC.

#1 - You still need a disruptive idea around a big problem that a large-enough segment wants solved. 

#2 - Your business thesis MUST include a RevOps go-to-market blueprint. No exceptions.

#3 - Your deck and pitch must be at the pro-level. Be prepared to explain all 9 areas of lean business canvas.

#4 - Full thought-through documentation must be ready in your data room.

But, there is more. If you present yourself as Kingdom-minded, expect to be asked about God's call on your venture and you as a founder. Don't try and wing this.

Have TWO go-to-market plans.

ONE - How you will succeed if you get funded.
TWO - How you will succeed if you bootstrap.

- Never rule out either path.
- You should be doing both.

If you are truly Kingdom-minded God will show you how to move forward by faith either way. If God is in it, NOTHING will be able to stop your success. 

If you walk by sight (your circumstances) you'll walk blind.
If you walk by faith (what the Word says) you'll see.

We have a huge ecosystem at CanaGlobal to support you. If all this is new to you, don't DIY it, you'll most likely fail. 90% do. If you ask God to send you a mentor and He does, do what they say. God often speaks through them (a mentor's advice must align with the Word).

If you've already had great entrepreneurial success, find other Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs to hang around with.

Either way, find a spirit-filled group of entrepreneurs who are full of faith. Trust me, you'll need a full-strength version of the Gospel if you want to climb this entrepreneurial  mountain.

Palms 1:3 AMP should describe you.

And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water,

Which yields its fruit in its season;

Its leaf does not wither;

And in whatever he does, he prospers [and comes to maturity]. 

Keep on truckin'


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