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Part 5: Roadmap to Entrepreneurial Freedom

Aug 10, 2021

Here's Part 5. You can find parts 1-4 on our blog.

Part 1 - Start the planning NOW.
Part 2 - Decide the work/life changes you want over the next 5 years.
Part 3 - Discover your purpose.
Part 4 - Pursue wisdom. Get know-how.

>> And for today, Part 5.

Perfect your customer acquisition skills. The formula or strategy for landing new customers, making sales, and producing business revenue. Here's what it looks like for me.

#1 - I produce organic and paid content.

#2 - My content produces clicks to my website.

#3 - My website converts clicks to leads.

#4 - I nurture the leads across Buyer Journey.

#5 - I convert leads into meetings.

#6 - I convert meetings into customers.

For me, a well-performing paid campaign converts like this over a period of 1 to 6 months.

50% click > lead
30% lead > meeting
70% meeting > sale

Click >>>>> Buyer Journey Nurturing >>>>>Sales

In a well-thought-through customer acquisition strategy, it's aligned with my customer's preferred "Buyer Journey".

Stage 1 - They become AWARE of me and my company.

Stage 2 - They have an UNDERSTANDING of what we do.

Stage 3 - They become INTERESTED because of our solution.

Stage 4 - They develop RESPECT to our messaging.

Stage 5 - They TRUST in our brand.

Stage 6 - They BUY-IN and have the budget.

Stage 7 - The TIMING is right to onboard with us.

>> 80% of their buyer journey occurs before they ever meet with us, and it happens online through our content campaigns. Our typical sales cycle is from 1 to 6 months.

>> This is a Customer Acquisition Strategy.

Now, before I can have an effective customer acquisition strategy, I had to master these three other pieces of the marketing and sales strategy.

  1. A clear personal/business vision.
  2. A solid business model/brand.
  3. A digital ecosystem.
  4. A customer acquisition strategy.

Figuring out these four components is what I call "cracking the code".

When this is broken, you'll have inconsistent sales revenue. When it's working, it's like printing money!

There you go ... this is the roadmap to entrepreneurial freedom.

Now build something purpose-driven and amazing. Become an extraordinary entrepreneur. Anyone willing to learn can do it.

Seek mentorship. The reasons why most businesses fail are completely preventable.

- Gerald

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