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Part 4: Roadmap to Entrepreneurial Freedom

Aug 02, 2021

Roadmap to Entrepreneurial Freedom (part 4 of 5)

>> See my free gift below.

Can you imagine having the know-how to accomplish WHATEVER you set out to accomplish. You can.

As a purpose-driven entrepreneur, THIS IS your unfair competitive advantage.

Here's the formula. It's not simple addition, it's better ... GOD'S multiplication. HE ALWAYS MULTIPLIES WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE.

>> (Wisdom * Understanding * Knowledge) = Know-How

Whatever you do, GET KNOW-HOW. When you have the know-how, you can have WHATEVER results you desire.

As a believer, I spend my time acquiring wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. And the FRUIT of my diligence is know-how ... the God-given skills to accomplish my purpose.

- God gave Noah the know-how to build the ark.
- God gave Moses's helpers the know-how to build the ark of the covenant.

God is not a respecter of persons, what He did for them, he'll do for us.

This is how I've bootstrapped 6 successful businesses over the past 37 years. God continues to give me innovative ideas that disrupt culture and the marketplace. I'm not doing what everyone else is doing. I'm doing a new thing. Always.

>>Remember "Learn to Code".

God gave me the idea and creativity to launch the first coding bootcamps in the USA in the late 90s. I made millions building them across America.

I am partnered and POWERED by God to help ordinary believers discover their purpose and then become extraordinary entrepreneurs who can build amazing purpose-driven companies.

If you are a believer, God's spirit lives inside you. He will teach you everything you need to know.

But How?? I spend an enormous amount of time, talking to God, learning from Him and the Bible, reading books, and learning from my faith and business mentors.

Here's the thing. When you are building a purpose-driven business, God is with you, establishing your plans and steps. However, you have free will, so if you don't have the results you want, you have to be open to changing your THINKING > DOING > RESULTS. (T.D.R.)

Never let pride and ego keep you from your destiny, just so you can be right according to your way of thinking.

No more excuses, whatever you are trying to accomplish, seek God for the know-how.

But what if you're not a believer? Become one.

If you are struggling to discover your purpose and your marketplace calling, the thing God created you to do, I've created The HisPlan MyPlan journey for you. And I am making it free. Why? I'm following God's orders, plus I love being generous.

It's FREE. Just last week it was $1,164 ($97/mo x 12).

Sign-up here.

What's in the journey package?

+ An 11 Video Series
+ Program Assessments
+ Weekly Coaching Sessions
+ The HisPlan MyPlan Book
+ Online Community

I'm charging $9.95 for everything to help cover book printing, postage, packaging.

No more excuses folks.


Exodus 31:1-6
Ephesians 1:17
John 14:26
Deuteronomy 8:18

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