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Not Woke. Awakened. But For What?

Mar 07, 2022

Luke 12:49-51 NIV “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division."

Are you woke?


It depends on this ...

If you have a biblical world view, you are a patriot of faith.

- You love God and country.

- You love America.

- You aren't woke, instead you are wide awake.

- You even love your enemies.

But you don't have to live like them.

Who are God's enemies? Those who reject Him.

Though we live in an imperfect country founded on biblical principles, whose currency states "In God We Trust", 3% of the population want to fundamentally deconstruct America, our constitution, and our faith.

They have to demolish America ... before they can reset it.

The globalist elites are led by an emerging new world order, the World Economic Forum and their 2030 great reset agenda. (it's a real conspiracy, all on their website)

You might wonder what in the world is going on — globalism, big tech censorship, fake news, cancel culture, the politicization of covid, vaccine mandates and passports, church shutdowns, riots and protest, CRT, division by politics, race, gender, and identity.

Driven by insane wokeness, the 3% are like petulant angry children, perpetually offended by any truth that goes against the grain of their feelings. Or what they've heard on the MSM.

Like sheep, they hear their shepherds voice, and it's not the God of the Bible.

WARNING: If you are getting angry, perhaps it's time to stop reading, no need to leave a nasty comment, move along.

And if they leave a nasty comment, they prove my point.

If you have been awakened by the carnage of this new direction, what can we do? What can you do?

- If you see something.
- Start saying something.
- Start doing something.

The church must wake up from its slumber. God has created you for such a time like this.

You have a calling empowered by the Holy Spirit.

>> Discover what it is.
>> Then do it.

Jesus came to demolish and destroy works of satan.

Luke 12:49-51 NIV “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division."

God has a master plan to battle this. But we must accept our assignments to do what He have called us to do.

The mission of every assignment is The Great Commission. This is God's plan to demolish satan's plot to kill, steal and destroy.

The great commission is to disciple people and nations. The marketplace, where you and I will work 100,000 hours of our lives is the heartbeat of every city and nation.

It starts with revival and finishes with reformation.

1. Pray with the expectation, power and authority of a believer
2. Accept your calling and assignment
3. Vote for those who will honor "In God we trust values"

Let's carefully choose our leaders.

More to come.


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