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My Story

Mar 25, 2022

I’m a 6x serial entrepreneur.

- I knew from a young age I wanted to become a business owner.

- But I had no credentials or mentorship. No one to show me how.

My earthly father was a drunk. My heavenly Father was distant.

I had dreams of a better life but no path to get there.

My friends were from successful families, I was from a poor unsuccessful family. Always an outsider looking in.

My first job was in sales at a staffing company.

I had to make 50 cold calls a day prospecting for new clients. I hated making those dreadful cold calls. Though I got good at them, I knew there was a better way to land a customer.

So I decided to start a business, a staffing company, and develop a more economical and efficient system to land clients. I was only 23, young and dumb. But I was smart enough to ask God to teach me. He did.

It turns out, I got really good at building revenue models and customer acquisition systems. That year I opened up two more offices.

Since then, I’ve spent my life building a portfolio of fast-growing companies for myself and my partners.

- A Microsoft tech certification training company. (Business Journal Top 25)

- The first and largest software coding bootcamp in America, we invented “learn to code”. (INC 500 & Deloitte Technology Fast 50 awards)

- A lead generation marketing intelligence company to Big Tech (IBM, Oracle, Microsoft service providers)

- A business turnaround and growth consultancy specializing in developing business growth models, digital ecosystems and customer acquisition systems for fast-growing technology providers, coding bootcamps, for-profit technology colleges, and marketing agencies. (Multiple INC 500 awards)

In 2016, I launched CanaGlobal to equip patriots of faith into their entrepreneurial calling.

In our early days, we didn’t have a name, we just started by doing.

We realized there’s not a community for dreamers and doers to gather, innovate, learn, and grow. So we decided to build one.

We began hosting a series of entrepreneurial meetups, events, workshops, and incubators.

We started with locations in Milwaukee and Los Angeles, today we have grown into a global online platform providing digital CoLabs, Hybrid Community and inspiring Content for small business entrepreneurs.

We are on a mission to equip millions into their entrepreneurial calling … because when millions of marketplace disciples connect the dots between faith, purpose and entrepreneurship … they change the world.

I am in my 30th year of marriage to beautiful Leslie. We have two sons, Brandon, a marketing technology manager, and Alec, who went to live with Jesus at age 10. Our family resides in Phoenix, AZ.


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