I've been grumbling. I know better.
Feb 23, 2024
Recently, God has corrected me on how I've been praying. He reminded me that I've been doing a lot of complaining, grumbling.
Here's what's going on. My posts on LinkedIn drive around 20,000 entrepreneurs to our CanaGlobal website every month.
I hear stories about so many faith-driven entrepreneurs who are struggling.
I know the success/failure stats for entrepreneurs — 90% fail.
I hate this failure and have dedicated my life to stopping it. I believe most of the failure is preventable.
So I'm always praying for these entrepreneurs who are struggling, especially financially. I've lost everything before so I feel their pain, it's personal for me.
So when I hear the dire stories of so many, my prayers were becoming complaining sessions on their behalf.
I've been grumbling. I know better.
Grumbling didn't bode well for the children of Israel, the original generation were prevented from making it to the promise land because of their constant unbelief and complaining (grumbling).
When I pray for myself I almost never grumble. I pray in complete faith according to Hebrews 11:1 and Mark 11:23-24.
The moment I pray according to a Biblical promise (God's Will) I have what I've asked for, and I trust God for His how and His when of the manifestation.
Even when I lost everything I prayed this way.
- The first time I pray for something I ask Him for what I want.
- But every time after that, I pray thanking Him for what's headed my way.
I am 100% expectant.
But somehow when I've been praying for you, I've been complaining about you having to wait for so long. And for your suffering.
I repented and from this this point on, after I pray for you, you will only hear my praise for what God has planned for you.
God always has a plan, and it's always for prosper you.
I'm reminded that our praise and expectation are the breeding ground for His miracles.
I love what I learn every day when I'm being present, in His presence.
- Gerald