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Hung by your tongue

Sep 23, 2021

If you say so!

You are speaking your future, good or bad, whether you know it or not.

Proverbs 18:21AMP - Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.

- I'll never get out of debt
- I'll never get my dream job
- I'll never start that business
- I'll never meet that special someone
- I'll never be healed
- My life is #@#%ed!!!

If you are a believer, stop speaking negative things over your life. If you allow thoughts contrary to God's biblical promises, before you know it you'll come into agreement with these thoughts from the enemy — and begin speaking your DEMISE.

Instead, do just the opposite, speak God's Word over your life, you will be coming into agreement with God and His promises, you will be speaking your future.

Regardless of your present circumstances ...

Speak Life
Speak Truth
Speak The Word
Speak Your Future

No matter what's going on ... PREPARE FOR BLESSINGS!

Your friend,

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