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Entrepreneurs, God will turn your Mess into your Message

Feb 10, 2021

Here you are, leaving one life-season for the next, to pursue a God-planted dream at a time when your life is in a bit of a mess. Is this you — is this your right now?

Listen, don't be surprised if your life is a bit messy. If the conditions don't feel ideal to start that business or pursue whatever dream is on your heart. Don't be surprised if you feel like less-than-ideal circumstances are forming against you. They are!


1 Peter 5:8 AMP - Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.

A few more - (Ephesians 6:11-12 & John 10:10)


Isaiah 54:2-4 NIV - “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities. “Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.

Isaiah 54:17 KJV - No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.

A few more - (Psalms 91)

God has you right where He wants you, He's about to turn your mess into your message. A promise from God always trumps the facts of your circumstances. 

King David from the Bible had many of these experiences. One time David encountered a great enemy who was out to destroy him, His back was up against the wall. He needed a breakthrough. He asked God if he should go to war with this enemy. God answered David assuring him that He would deliver the enemy into David's hands. God made good on His promise and David conquered the enemy. 

David declared “God has broken through my enemies by my hand, like the breakthrough of waters” and named the place “Baal-Perazmin”. 

Baal-Perazmin means "God of the Breakthrough".

A breakthrough is a dramatic development, a sudden shift, a move beyond an obstacle. 

Right in the midst of your mess, God is going to give you a Baal-Peranmin moment. It's the breakthrough you've been praying for. It's a sudden shift in your life. It will become your message. Your story.

A few years ago I was invited to be interviewed by a major Christian TV network with an audience of 22+ million households. My book HisPlan MyPlan had just been published and that prompted the interview.

To be completely transparent, I was a bit nervous about going on a national TV show. One of their producers reached out to me and asked me to provide them with my story, my bio.

So I put together a list of my accomplishments, industry recognitions, and awards. I wanted to make a good impression. Later, the producer reached out to me and thanked me for what I had sent over, but what she really wanted was my back-story, she said their audience would want to hear about how God had turned my mess into my message. 

Folks, I have had so many of these moments in my life, when after waiting and waiting and waiting, God says YES and suddenly my situation turns around. Right in my mess. 

After we shot the interview, they asked me to do a part two, this hardly ever happens. I guess I had a lot of messy stories. Here are a few breakthrough moments:

  • Early in my entrepreneurial journey after a year of struggling, I experienced my first Baal-Perazmin moment, God gave me an innovative idea that changed everything. I went from making no money to abundant revenue and expansion into other locations almost overnight. It was when I discovered what it was like to be a full-stack entrepreneur, partnered and powered by God. It began with just one idea from God.

  • Another time I was days away from launching a new tech-education startup and an investor who owned a national computer magazine pulled out at the last minute. It turned out that we would be competing with one of their largest advertisers who put pressure on them not to invest in us. I remember sitting in our new offices getting ready for our grand opening when the investor walked in and delivered the bad news. What a mess!

    Later, he felt so bad, he gave us a year of full-page ads for free. Full-page! I remember him asking me, "Gerald, I can't invest in you or give you the office space I promised, but I'm giving you the free ads, what else can I do for you?"

    At the time he was sitting in his huge office behind a gigantic desk.

    I've always been a sucker for a nice desk. I said, "Ron, I want you to give me your desk!" He gave me a funny look and then nodded his head, OK. Turns out the free ads were better than the investment, our business took off. We experienced a Baal-Perazmin breakthrough right in the middle of our mess. Later we became his top advertiser, the competitor went out of business.

  • I have a hundred of these stories, but another time I was leading a fast-growing company, we had just made the INC 500 and were expanding into our newly built HQ offices. It was a beautiful three-story building, we had renovated the whole thing, and filled it full of new furniture. It was amazing!

    What we didn't know was a former employee had gone to a competitor with all of our ideas, processes, including our marketing and sales secrets. One day I was listening to the radio listening to one of our ads, only to find out our exact ad was being copied by a competitor. It created much confusion in the marketplace. Our sales dropped by 50% at a time when our cash reserves were unusually low because of our expansion.

    Things went bad really quickly. I can remember going to the new offices over the weekend walking through our building with tears in my eyes, it was a real mess. No one saw it coming. There was much infighting. Everyone began pointing fingers, many were frozen in fear.

    THEN God gave me an innovative idea which began with a new marketing campaign leading up to a huge event. We were so excited.

    But the weather forecast called for an unprecedented snowstorm to hit the night of our event. We were headed for disaster. Over a foot of snow. But somehow, God gave us a miraculous breakthrough right in the messy weather. Despite the snowstorm people showed up in droves, our parking lot was jammed packed.

    Despite the mess, the God of breakthroughs provided us with a Baal-Perazmin moment. That event led to a surge in sales. Our business was not only saved, but it also took off exponentially.

We've all experienced messy circumstances. If you are in need of a sudden shift, a breakthrough moment in your journey, it begins with a radical RESET. 

- A reset in thinking

- A reset in planning

- A reset in expectations

- A reset in your capacity to receive from God

You're going to have to shake off the doubt, negativity, disappointment, self-pity, the little dreams, and the little goals in your life.

You are going to have to become Breakthrough-Minded.

Begin to expect to be overwhelmed by God's favor, way beyond your expectations, right into His abundant overflow. Expect a sudden flood of God's goodness and power in your life.

Your future's not determined by your present circumstances, it's determined by your perception of what's possible, the size of your dreams, and God's plan and purpose for your life.

Remember that song, "let's give them something to talk about?"

God will give you something to talk about. He will turn your MESS into your MESSAGE!


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