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If you’re not being called crazy, you’re not thinking big enough.

Sep 02, 2023

If you’re not being called crazy, you’re not thinking big enough.

God-sized ideas always seem impossible at first. They’re not realistic.

Your critics will remind you of this.

And without God’s favor, they are right.

But because of God’s favor, you’ll go further than people with more resources and talent.

That’s exactly what happened to Nehemiah.

According to scripture, he heard that the walls of Jerusalem had been torn down and that the people who lived there were unprotected.

So God put a dream in his heart to rebuild the wall.

Though he lived over a thousand miles away, had no funding, resources or influence — he knew he had the favor of God on his side.

God was with him, this was his unfair advantage.

And against impossible odds, the wall was rebuilt in 52 days.

When you pursue a God-planted dream, you’ll face all kinds of obstacles and opposition.

Both enemy fire and friendly fire.

But when you know God’s favor is on your life, like Nehemiah, you’ll accomplish the impossible faster than what seems logical or realistic.

Here’s the key. You can’t co-create with God if you aren't collaborating with Him before, during and after each day.

So go after the impossible, God’s already got some miracles on the calendar waiting for you.

You have God's Word! (Isaiah 55:11)

- So will My word be which goes out of My mouth

- It will not return to Me void (useless, without result)

- Without accomplishing what I desire

- And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it

Go for it!


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