Don't be a Christian Kiss-Butt!

Dec 29, 2023

Don't be a Christian Kiss-Butt!

Nothing worse than someone with false humility. A WIMP.

Don't get me wrong, God loves humility and resists the proud.

And so do I!

But Jesus paid the price so we could be more than conquerors.

- Not sheep headed for slaughter.

- If you are a Christ follower, you should be RAM TOUGH.

A ram is an adult male sheep. And Dodge named their trucks after them for a reason.

If you are a Christ follower, whether you believe it or not, you already have the power and authority to enforce what Jesus did at the cross and resurrection. Satan is defeated.

Jesus said ...

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.  John 14: 12 

Time to dump your cross mentality and exchange it for a throne mentality.

We were created to reign. Let's walk and talk like it!


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