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Do you feel like you missed the bus?

Aug 29, 2023

When a business idea comes from God, the following will become true for you.

He will use you and your business as a ministry to the marketplace. The marketplace will become your pulpit.

Fact: There's about a billion people on LinkedIn alone. Start someplace. Start here.

If you are a secret-agent Christian, that’s about to change.

You will become more like the apostle Paul, a tent-making entrepreneur on a mission from God.

You will find yourself called by God to build a business with God. The call of God and the touch of God must go together or you’ll fail. Every calling comes with an anointing to succeed.

How? God’s plans simply don’t fail. That’s why we follow Him.

When God calls you to do a task for Him, He does not ask you to be adequate; He only asks you to be available.

At 62, I’m coming into my 40th year as an entrepreneur, folks I’m just getting started. The next 20 years will be my best. I'm swinging for the fences.

In 2016 God gave me the assignment for CanaGlobal, to equip and fund founders throughout the world. To teach entrepreneurs How To …

- Develop the faith that moves mountains

- Receive their higher calling

- Build and execute a RevOps blueprint

- To become investor ready

We are reimagining (pioneering) what venture capital looks like, how a venture studio plants orchards of oak trees, what church looks like, and how to train up a new generation of spirit-filled founders who are full of the God-kind of faith.

The Boss (God) gave us an assignment, to disciple people and nations. Today we are equipping entrepreneurs from all over the world.

>> We are doing what God called us to do.

>> God is doing what He promised to do. 

It’s called billion-flow. Are you flowing with me?

If you commit yourself and your business to God’s work, your plans and steps will succeed period.

Do you feel like you missed the bus? A new one comes every hour.

Just hop on the bus, Gus.


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