Do what works. Stop doing what doesn't. Or starve.

Mar 30, 2022

Proverbs 12:11NIV - Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.


Don't be ...

- a cloud with no rain

- all hat, no cattle

Every entrepreneur has to figure this out.

Do what works. Stop doing what doesn't. Or starve.

This biblical truth couldn't be more point blank and in your face.

  • If you are a solopreneur, you have to be consistent doing the right things — every single day.

  • If you are a small business CEO, you and your team has to do the daily activities that matter — every single day.

This is what it means to work the land. Full stop!

You are either diligent in doing the right activities that will produce the harvest (revenue), or you starve.

And those who won't do the work, or learn how to do the work, are chasing fantasies.

This is some tough love from the book of wisdom, Proverbs.

It motivates me to always be updating my entrepreneurial skill-set, and then get the job done every single day. No excuses.

Let's do the work. Let's reap an abundant harvest.



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