Be Prosperous and Successful.

Jun 23, 2022

Be Prosperous and Successful.

This statement has produced the strangest disclaimers from people who have yet to discover — what will actually make them happy.

If I say "my life goal is to be prosperous and successful", I will inevitably get some negative comments about making too much money.

I've never had someone ask me, "at what, what do you want to be prosperous and successful at?"

I want to be prosperous and successful in every area of my life.

+ in my purpose and faith
+ as a husband and father
+ in my relationships
+ in my finances
+ in my health
+ in my business

In the great biblical story of Joshua leading God's children into their promised land, God instructs Joshua on how to be prosperous and successful.

The thing is, Joshua understood his calling. His purpose. His mission. His assignment.

Not being prosperous and successful meant certain death for him, his family, and his community. Everything valued was at stake.

>> Ask yourself these two questions:

IF/WHAT - If you had a magic wand, what would you change in your life?

WHAT/IF - What would you attempt to accomplish, in every area of your life, if you had ample resources, and knew you could not fail?
Paint a picture in your mind of what that would look like. Do you have the vision to see it? If not, would you be willing to develop it?

What would be the TOTAL costs of having the desires of your heart?

- in priority?
- in focus?
- in time?
- in energy?
- and in money?

One of my first mentors taught me this. He said, "Gerald, if you can't see it, you can't have it. But whatever you see, you can have."

Since that time, all my dreams and goals are in writing. I go through this exercise annually and examine them daily.

- I write my vision.
- I count the costs of achieving it.
- I commit to learning the "know-how" to reach my goals.
- I develop my faith by standing on the 6000 plus biblical promises written for me.

This truth changed my life 37 years ago:

Your future is not determined by your present circumstances. It's determined by your perception of what's possible, the size of your dreams ... and God's plan and purpose for your life.

If you DM me, I will email you a PDF with 20 amazing biblical promises for you.

If you will develop the faith to believe them, everything will become possible for you!


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