As a believer, everything is possible for you, IF ...

Jul 01, 2021

As a believer, everything is possible for you, IF ... you actually believe.

Believe what?

Let me try to explain.

- The other day I read a research statistic that stated only 6% of believers have a biblical worldview.

In my early years, I viewed the Bible as a book of rules. Stuff you're not supposed to do.

When I started my first business, I was failing miserably, full of anxiety and fear, no revenue for a full year. I was 23, inexperienced, everything I thought should work, didn't.

In my desperation, I found a biblical promise for peace. Philippians 4:6-7.

I asked God to give me this peace. Call me naive, but I was so deep in pain, I just believed.

A few days later, all the fear and anxiety were lifted. Somehow, I got my hope back. My situation was still really bad, but the burden was lifted.

Days later I found another biblical promise. A promise for wisdom in James 1:5-7.

My business had ZERO product/market fit, marketing, and sales. I came to the realization that God had to know what I was doing wrong.

I asked Him for the wisdom to fix my problems. With childlike faith, I just believed. What did I believe? I believed in God and His Word, the Bible.

Over the next few weeks, innovative ideas and customer acquisition strategies began to form. As I began to execute these new ideas from God, my business began to prosper beyond my wildest dreams. (Ephesians 3:20)

My view of the Bible transformed from a book of rules — to a book of promises.

FYI ... there are over 6000 plus biblical promises for you and me.

Through the Bible, you can develop a vision built on the promises of God, and the dreams God gives you.

Will these promises keep trouble away from you. Nope. In fact, you are promised you will experience much trouble and suffering in this life.

But God promises to deliver and restore us from ALL trouble that finds its way into our life.

My life scars are a testament to what God has done for me and promises of what He will do for you.

I believe the 6% of believers who have embraced a biblical worldview are those who have made the decision to just believe the promises of God.

The 6% are life's overcomers and outperformers.

>> Don't be fooled, most believers who THINK they have a biblical worldview, don't. How can you tell? They don't believe what they read.

If you are pregnant with some dreams of your own, and can't seem to give birth to your baby, begin to pursue God's plan and purpose for your life.

  1. Discover your purpose.
  2. Bulletproof your faith.
  3. Pursue your full destiny.

God has written the script for your life, ask Him for a copy and then enter into what He is already doing in you, and for you.

This will be your turning point.

If you need a bit of help getting started, email me at [email protected], I'll make room for you on my schedule.


#believe #dreambig #purpose

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