According to your faith ...

Nov 08, 2022

According to your faith, let it be done to you.

Entrepreneurs, how's your faith?

Do you believe these words from Jesus?

Jesus made that promise when He was approached by someone who needed a miracle.

Jesus asked him, "do you believe that I am able to do this"?

"Yes, Lord", they replied.

Jesus then responds, "then according to your faith let it be done to you".

A miracle followed that exchange.

If you have partnered with God to build a venture that brings value to society, you'll need great faith. The kind that moves mountains.

- to believe big
- to pray big
- to expect big

This week on Friday we'll be dropping our "Develop The Faith To Move Mountains" video series at CanaGlobal's { E/School }.

And it's all free to you.

In our digital academies for faith, purpose, Kingdom capitalism, investor readiness and startup performance — you'll learn what "B" school doesn't teach you.

Stay tuned ....


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