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God always multiplies what you already have.

Apr 24, 2024

God always multiplies what you already have. 

Here's how.

He did it with the water to wine miracle 
He did it with feeding the 5000 

This is one of the faith principles I've learned over the past 40 years as a serial entrepreneur. 

If I offer up my life to Him, give Him my dreams and goals, and put whatever ability I have in His hands — and ask Him to multiply it, He does. 

That's what happens when we give what we have to God. 

He's done this over and over throughout the ages, and He will do it with you right now. 

God will never ask you to do something and not give you the ability to do it. 

Use the faith you have to:  

- get in agreement with His Word 
- aim yourself towards obedience 
- walk in His anointing 
- and expect His blessings and favor 

As an entrepreneur I offer up my flawed ideas, and ask God to multiply them into a viable ones

And when I go-to-market with the viable ones, He multiplies them.  

Ask Him right now to multiply what you already have. Even if it's flawed, His process will make what you have — viable. 

Trust Him to turn your water into wine! 



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