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There are two types of faith-driven founders.

Apr 23, 2024

You decided to start a business. Great! 

Build it with God, here's how and why. 

There are two types of faith-driven founders.  

- those who try to bootstrap 
- those who try to raise capital  

Both have become obsessed with a problem they are committed to solve. 

All will go through at least the first two stages. 

#1 - The Before 

#2 - The During  

#3 - The Win  

When you walk with God, His favor is on you. But before the win, His favor doesn't always look like His favor. 

- You will face great opposition 

- Forces will try to shut you down 

- You will have to learn to fight and build 

First, understand the greatest businesses were birthed out of this tension 

>> In the natural it won't look like God's favor is with you. 

But this is what faith is all about, you can't wait until you experience the win before you decide to believe it. You have to believe it FIRST, in the before and during, but before the win.  

When you are operating under the favor of God, your faith-attitude will determine your outcome — the win. 

We are commanded in 1 Corinthians 9:24 AMP to run the race to win it.  

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run [their very best to win], but only one receives the prize? Run [your race] in such a way that you may seize the prize and make it yours!" 

Like Nehemiah and Job, both declared the favor of God was upon them way before the win. 

What causes God to move on our behalf? It's when He sees our faith-attitude in the before and during 

You are right where Nehemiah was. 
You are right where Job was. 

Your faith-attitude will determine your outcome. 

nFaith-driven founders, declare it right now; "God's favor is upon me — in my before and during — all the way to the win. 

Being in it to win it isn't a cute cliche, it's a serious faith-attitude. 

Those who walk-this-way will experience the win.    


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